Sunday, April 17, 2011

Trees Singing Goodnight To The Sun

The sun travels beyond the rim of the world as the trees wave good night, and sing him their beautiful Evening Song to wish him good luck on his distant journey. Most people can not hear this song. But a small few, when they are very still, can catch a hint of it's melody in the cool of the evening air.

Mid-April In Westchester

Walking around my little neighborhood at sunset. What a lovely time of year it is!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms before the storm in Westchester, New York.
April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

:B Yelling

Don't just sit there wallowing in boredom!! Do something creative!!

... Or :B will be peeved!!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Haiku Over Sake

One fine evenning over sake... the Sushi Chef looked thoughtful and said "There is no end... only a myriad of beginnings forever."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mr Piggy

Zhu Bajie, Mr. Piggy, is a character from 'The Journey to the West' which happens to be one of Bunny's absolute favorite stories.

This is a collaboration piece that was done by :E & :B, where :E drew the outline, and :B filled in the colors. :B thinks it came out very nice! He looks forward to getting :E to do more artwork with him!


Friday, April 1, 2011