Monday, November 24, 2014

Moon Princess And Bunny

Once upon a time in far off Dreamland, there lived a wolf and a bunny rabbit who cared for one another for a long time.   The wolf was named Moon Princess, which makes sense because the wolf after all is a creature closely associated to the moon, as are witches as everyone knows.  Moon Princess, I should say, was also a witch as well.  Bunny called her Wolf-Witch.   She was very kind to Bunny, and they lived happily as close friends for many years, even though Wolf-Witch, Moon Princess, used to joke that she'd like to have a rabbit stew sometimes.   Bunny never paid mind to such jests, but to entertain her would dash about looking for a hiding place.  Then they would both have a hearty laugh and take a nap.  And this is how things went with the two for a good long time, and both of them were happy to have each other's company.