Friday, June 17, 2011

Moon-Princess - Visions of NYC

Some recent photographs from NYC that :B's dear friend, Moon-Princess, recently took.   He thinks that she has a lot of secret of talent hiding out waiting for rescue from the Land of Dull-Drums.

Here are some details...

I am quite impressed!  :B thinks she has kept her talent a big secret from herself for long enough!  hahaha!!! :)

PS - :B touched these up just a tiny bit in Picasa to demonstrate a few hints on that to Moon-Princess.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Stormy City

One dreadful afternoon the Storm Lords arrived over the city to wreak havoc and mayhem on the citizens below. Proud against them stood the Shimmering Tower of Glass and Old Glory.  In the end the Storm Lords passed over, and the city was spared.

Church Along the Way

Just a little Church along the way that :B and :E stopped off to investigate. Like two little church mice they looked all around, and finding everything beautiful, had a lovely time, and then vanished without a trace, no one the wiser. :)