Thursday, December 26, 2013

Reindeer Under The Moon

On the first day of Winter every year the Prince of all the Reindeer takes a long walk to the mountains in order to search for Moon Princess.   He searches high and low.   From the bottom of the river, to the peaks of the tallest mountains, and does not stop until he sees her.   Once he does then the days begin to get longer and the world begins to warm up again so that by Spring time the flowers can blossom and the trees all sprout their new leaves.   So if you ever see a handsome reindeer wandering through the snow on the first day of Winter, please point him towards the moon.   Everyone will be grateful to you for it.   :)   Oh and of course, don't forget to wish him a Merry Christmas, and Moon Princess, too! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013