Monday, October 29, 2012

Hiding Face Beneath the Leaves

Once there was a pretty little Buddha girl who lived in the woods, hiding herself beneath the leaves, and watching the Universe spin around the Void forever. She was very happy there, and no one ever knew, until one day Green Jade Turtle happened to notice her as he was sun bathing in a lily pond. He didn't utter a sound, but patiently observed her radiance as she passed by in wonder. He was delighted by her presence, and so he kept her secret in his heart for a long long time. Until one day, he hummed a little tune to a butterfly in her honor, and you know what delicious little gossips butterflies can be!

Twin Dragons Going Out To Sea

Twin Dragons Going Out To Sea were observed by Green Jade Turtle while he was standing on an Ancient Spiraling Pattern Stone not far from the shore. Green Jade Turtle felt in harmony with his greater cousins, though he could not swim or fly nearly so fast as they, and so he was quickly left behind while the mighty ones chased after the fiery Tai Chi Pearl.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Prince of Dreamland

Peaceful and filled with tranquility, the Prince of Dreamland let his mind go and contemplated nothing as his spirit wandered far and wide through the cosmos.   He came, eventually, upon a planet whose star had spun far away from it's galaxy, so it was suspended below the vast disk like a pearl earring.  The planetary system had one world, and a huge Saturnian ring of asteroids positioned vertically from the galactic plane.  He flew to the planet and watched its revolutions around that star, thinking, "What an amazing view one would have from that world!"

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Princess of Dreamland

Peaceful dreaming, sweet Princess of Dreamland. May your journey be filled with wonders and joy.

Monday, October 22, 2012

One Toe at a Time

Sometimes all it takes is putting one's toe in the water... as the follower of this blog knows, I've been trying for quite some time to encourage an Art Rebellion against the World of Ugly. Often I go it alone, but whenever I have the chance, and a willing participant, I try my best to foster the idea of collaborative art. This has two benefits. First, it increases the amount of creativity in the world. And two it brings people together in a fun way for the purpose of creating beauty. I really like this idea. So I try as often as I can. Seldom succeed, but I still try. Anyway, this was one of those times that worked, and so I present to you Art Rebellion #31. Here we go...

Here is the first effort of someone who said "I can not do art!" ... Nevertheless, once pen and napkin was in her hand, she drew something that surprised her. So she was willing to try again next time.

Next drawing surprised her again! So, she *can* draw after all. She just needed a little bit of friendly encouragement. What did I say to help? I said this: "Fear of what others will think is called 'insecurity' and this is what keeps most people believing that they can not do art. They are so worried about what others may think, they do not even try, but instead say they have no drawing talent. But drawing talent is more about a sense of freedom than technical skill. The first thing is to overcome one's fear. Then after that, it is only a matter of practice."

Then I suggested doing a small collaboration. Since she is from China I decided to ask for some help with my Chinese Calligraphy. She taught me how to make the characters for 'Good Sake'. And that was how this combination came about.

And this.

Finally she was daring enough to attempt to draw a Hand. And I was drunk enough to attempt the same. Side by side go the hands of the drunken artist and the new art student. Maybe she will keep trying to improve. What do you think?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hall of the Strange Celestials

From ancient days the Celestials who roam the Cosmos Bright have made their home amid the stars, gleaming in the brilliance of Eternal Truth.  Though the Infinite is beyond the mind of man, yet some few still strive to comprehend the Way of True Love.  To these I bid Adieu, my dear friends.  Adieu. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

River Journey on Moon Day

Sunset Reflections at the Empire

City By the River At Sunset

Bridge Beneath the Sky
Moon On the Water

It was such a beautiful Moon-Festival-Day, :B wants to say "Thank You!" to MP. She is a big inspiration for him, as you can see!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gazing Buddha

One evening recently :B was sitting in a local restaurant when he happen to look up and see Buddha gazing at him serenely. So naturally :B whipped out his pen and made a drawing of him on the bar napkin. :)